Economic Mission from Slovakia at the KRAKDENT® 2024 Fair


Since 2009, the Economic Mission from Slovakia has participated in the fair. Thanks to cooperation with the Slovak and Czech Medical Chambers, KRAKDENT® is visited every year by dentists from these countries.

During this year's edition, Grażyna Grabowska, president of the Targi w Krakowie Ltd., and Beata Simon, Project Manager of the KRAKDENT® Fair, participated in the meeting with a delegation of the Slovak Dental Chamber (Slovenská komora zubných lekárov - SKZL) represented by: MUDr. Igor Moravčík, its president, MUDr. Peter Kukolík, Vice President, MUDr. Martin Kotulič, member of SKZL, and MDDr. Martin Šimo, president of the regional chamber in Trnava. The meeting was also attended by the president of the District Medical Chamber in Krakow, MD. dentist Robert Stępień, chairman of the Dental Commission, dentist. Dariusz Kościelniak, vice-chairman of the Dental Commission, MD. dentist Agata Dutka-Szmigiel and the president of the Polish-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Piotr Cebulski.